setherick wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
jdavidbakr wrote:
setherick wrote:
Unless Ray knows something that I don't (and ideally can point to it in a thread), the only thing that Run Defense is used for is to shuck run blocks. That's at least the only thing that I know that it's used for for sure.
This is correct, Run Defense is used against Run Blocking, and Pass Rush against Pass Blocking.
Run defense effects the angle the players take on the ball carrier . Maybe his speed won't change but In my mind it's a player taking longer than he should.
Read JDB's comment. It absolutely does not do that. It's only used in blocking situations.
I get it but it doesn't mean I will believe it this is the way I have always played. Something changes angles of attack. Let's us stick on that for awhile. Say it is for fumbles only, but angles have been talked before, and some guys go right for the ball and some do not.
All he said was it effects blocking.....he said nothing of angles....things are so intertwined I wonder if he knows why that 73 speed TE out ran an 87 speed db?
Several have commented on foot races were slower guys win. The fast guys catch up then run the same speed maybe a yard behind. My point was that ruins fourties and when the numbers come out I will scrutinize those too.
And nothing has been said to change the way i will play. Same weights for almost a year now. (Ones completely different than yours) no game plan changes(I pegged blitzes being over powered the first few weeks I joined mfn one over 2 real years ago, and got made fun of), no scouting, no roster changes, no rules, no overrides, and small players across the board...heck if I draft anot interior linemen you know it is an AI pick.
I love you veiw of the game seth, but this one I respectfully disagree . Speed and strength have effects on fumbles too, but what do I know.....oh yeah my team have great sack and turnover ratios without blitzes being call every down and an offensive books that call no plays over five times.
All of my position converts are tall enough to match nfl standards and my playbook actually have continuity . ( meaning most plays set up other plays. They have the same look but are different plays that work in real life unison to set up other plays out of the same look).
I never said play like me or even listen, but everything I say should be taken in to consideration in order for my full gaming experience. All of it is just a point of veiw. These are entities in space .
Do you really believe jdb when he said that there is offensive/defensive plays that always win vs. Each other? I do but I do not think it always works that way nfl.
Based off general gaming rules reverse engineering any code and posting is against the rules. So as long as the games is beta my non sense will continue until till the game makes sense to me.....I don't want to walk I want a better game at all costs . My ability to be right will be on the for front always till proven wrong....73 speed vs 87 speed.
I will not start a new thread asking the same question over and over with no answer... I will just come up with my own stuff and post it with any to scrutinize . ..
Remember ..... angles and why slow beats the fast...ball carry or fatigue perhaps it's a broken tackle? Elaborate on that and let go of my wrong points of veiw while keeping the big picture .